Friday, June 3, 2011

HOW I'm getting to Africa!

1. I am driving from Florida to my home state Pennsylvania and then over to New York where I will get ready for my next mode of transportation!
Approximate driving distance= 1,392 miles!

2. On July 1st I will be flying out of JFK Airport in NYC.

3. I will fly from NYC across the Atlantic Ocean to Dubai International Airport. Dubai is a city in the country of United Arab Emirates.

4. I will then change planes in Dubai and board my final plane to Dar Es Saleem Airport in Tanzania!

5. Finally, after flying 9,304 miles I will be picked up at Dar es Salaam Airport by someone with Cross Cultural Solutions and we will drive to Bagamoyo where my volunteer trip will begin!


  1. Awesome Miss Barr!

  2. Hi Ms.Barr!!! Awesome pictures.My favorite one was the one where you stand next to the stones. I always wanted to go there and see them. I will miss you over the summer. I hope you have a amazing time in Africa!!!

  3. i really will miss you Ms.Barr!Did you know that you are a really kindhearted teacher.I heard the temp is 140 dergrees there right now!

  4. hi ms barr i hope you have a great time in afica. i will miss you alot sence i had you for 3rd and 4th grade so i knone you for a long time have a great time

  5. hey ms barr i hope you have a great time in Afica!i have one question and it is, isnt thier lions in Afica?

  6. Miss you already D.B.!!!! Xoxoxo! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear about your awesome adventure! Be safe!!

  7. wow miss barr cant belive you went.pretty cool in africa ha.hope you are ok from comeing back.

    p.s thanks for showing are class the adventer
