Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Gratitude List

As 2012 begins, I believe it is important to reflect on how good 2011 was to me.

I haven't figured out how to get fancy on my iPad yet so sans photos and ornate fonts here simply are 28 things I am grateful my 28th trip around the sun included:

1. A running injury that humbled me and made me realize what a blessing running is. After pulling my groin while coaching XC I stubbornly finished 26.2 miles in the Chicago Marathon on 10/10/10 and consequently had to take seven months off running. I started 2011 by joining the gym so yoga could help me heal.
2. Kicked 2011 off attending the Outback Bowl in Tampa with great friends. Penn State may have lost but I got to see JoePa coach his final bowl game. We are still Penn State!
3. A beautiful Pittsburgh winter wedding 1/22/11- congrats to my cousin Keith and his wife Mindy! I do love Barr family weddings, especially when the bride and groom enter the reception with Terrible Towels waving!
4. Steelers made it to the Super Bowl again! While they didn't win, I learned how to make a stellar black and yellow cake!
5. Rodeo Day- yes my school still gives kids a day off to go to go to the county rodeo!
6. My parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary, now that's something to be proud of:)
7. My students rocked the state writing test. Congrats to all my fellow hard working teachers!
8. A Burgh girls reunion in North Carolina to see the first Burgh girl's baby! It was a fabulous weekend with best friends and one adorable five month year old baby boy.
9. Wicked musical on St. Patrick's Day!
10. Discovering new places in FL. When my parents came to visit in April we went to the Ringling Museum in Sarasota since I had just read Water for Elephants. I definitely recommend checking the 66 acre estate out if you haven't been there.
11. Participating in Muddy Buddy for the 5th year in a row. 6 miles of biking and running with incredible friends!
12. A third year of enjoying the Jimmy Buffett concert in Tampa. We all get by with a little love and luck!
13. A wonderful birthday spent with wonderful friends! You all know who you are!
14. Biking in the MS150 across FL- 84 miles the first day through fog, heat, and a rainy finish. Kath, Kim, Mario, and all of the Gaylord team- I owe you all for helping me along all those miles!
15. While thanking people, Melanie you get your own spot. You truly encouraged me so much all year, and your sweet words led to biking and travel adventures, along with a new favorite book!
16. A summer day spent sailing in the Atlantic Ocean.
17. Six shots, three in each arm and a month supply of Malaria medicine.
18. Spending Father's Day baking a cake w/ my best friend and her baby in NC for her husband. There's nothing like laughing with a friend you've known since 6th grade to help ease the fear of flying over 9,000 miles alone to go volunteer in a third world country.
19. Beating my brother at Words with Friends. Yes, this is noteworthy because he is that good. On the same note, I am grateful for NOT having a phone the whole month I was in Africa. Conversations had while walking through the village and on the front porch were priceless.
20. AFRICA. I could list hundreds of things about Africa but that is what the rest of this blog is about and someday I will finish transferring my journal. I cannot thank everyone enough who helped make my dream of teaching in Africa come true. It truly was a life changing experience.
21. Pole, pole- Swahili for slowly, slowly. That is how my day climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro went but more importantly I learned life is more enjoyable when you take it slowly.
22. My best friend since 3rd grade gave birth to a healthy son! I started crying when I called her from Zanzibar and could hear her glowing over the phone.
23. My parents, brother, and I spent Labor Day weekend in San Francisco! It was our first family vacation in over a decade and a great trip from biking across Golden Gate to touring Alcatraz.
24. Camping on the beach at Fort DeSoto with my fellow TriJunkies! There's nothing like waking up in a tent on the beach, biking gorgeous paths, and ending the day around a campfire:)
25. Halloween- multiple costumes, running a 5k with the cross country team I coach, trick or treating at the Magic Kingdom, and always making time to read It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown to my students!
26. Little Everglades Ranch- I am cheating and combining but two memorable events occured here. First, I coached at the State Cross Country Meet. I never thought I would do such a thing so thank you to everyone who gave me running advice. Coaching became my favorite thing of fall and it was so inspiring to see the best runners in the state compete! Second, I survived 12 miles and 27 obstacles of Tough Mudder! My team rocked and I met new running friends, so I am sure more TM races are in my future!
27. Attending my 10 year high school reunion. I almost didn't go and am so glad I did. There were many laughs to be had as we reunited to the music that took us back to our high school days!
28. The joy of Christmas- holiday parties, seeing the Rockettes in NYC, a Steelers victory at my brother and I's first game in Heinz Field on Christmas Eve, and most of all treasuring time with family and friends!

Thank you to everyone who made 2011 unforgettable! Best wishes to all of you for an amazing 2012! Your trip around the sun is what you make of it so make sure it is full of love and laughter!

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